June 13. 2021
Series- Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Title-Developing a Rule of Life
Speaker- Pastor Gavin Mccombie & Sue Demmons
June 6.2021
Series- Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Title-Fight Cleanly
Speaker- Pastor Gavin Mccombie
May 30.2021
Series- Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Title- Climbing the Ladder of Integrity and Safe Spaces
Speaker- Kaylah Chitouras & Lachlan Brown
May 2.2021
Series- Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Title- Challenge Assumptions and Clarify Expectations
Speaker- Pastor Gavin Mccombie
April 25.2021
Series - Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Title- Take your Community Temperature Reading
Guest Speaker - Sue Demmons
April 18.2021
Series - Join us as Sue invites participants of the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course to share their experiences of growth from being part of the EHS series. Sue will also introduce us to the next series, Emotionally Healthy Relationships.
Title - Intro to EHR
Guest Speaker - Sue Demmons