Supporting Life Branch Church Through Giving.
Your support of Life Branch enables the ongoing ministry of Life Branch in our community. How you choose to donate is a personal, spiritual, and financial decision. If you call Life Branch Church home, and are in a position to give financially, we invite you to consider a regular rhythm of giving. That may be monthly or weekly whatever suits you.
Official CRA Income Tax Receipts are issued at the end of each year for all Charitable Donations when the donor information is included and the donation is greater than $20.
• In-person
If you are joining us in-person, please leave your donation in one of the blue boxes located at the back of the sanctuary.
• Online Banking
E-Transfer can be used through Online Banking with most banks. To make a donation, please use email address
• Credit/Debit Cards
Online donations can also be made by contacting us at for using a credit or debit card. Life Branch uses a service called SIMPLYK, which returns 100% of the donation to FBC. SIMPLYK does ask for a “tip” to offset the transaction fee but this is not required.
For those times when you are unable to be present on Sunday and the electronic options are not available to you, we are able to receive donations, usually cheques made out to Life Branch Church, by mailing them to 10 Lancaster Dr, Dartmouth, NS B3A 4Y9.
• Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD)
Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or whatever frequency fits for recurring gifts can be set up through your bank by completing the Pre-Authorized Debit agreement. Forms are available by emailing Vern Shaw, You may make changes at any time; allow minimum two weeks for processing. To adjust or cancel your Pre-Authorized Debit payment contact Vern Shaw,